A Day in the Life of Liam
Wake up time -- Liam calls out, "Mama, pick you UP!" (He doesn't exactly have correct pronoun usage down.)

He's too busy asking for his trains to bother with a morning greeting.

Bed turned railway. . .

Once out of bed, it's time for a little "monica" jam session. He actually makes some pretty good music on this (thanks, Uncle Joe!).

My very particular son is pointing out the yogurt that is befouling his plate. "Wipe off, Mama. Wipe OFF!"

Liam helps with the grocery list. . .

putting soap in the dishwasher. . .

and turning the dishwasher on.

We have to hurry! We're supposed to be at playgroup (a.k.a. social hour for the under 3 set, involving new concepts for this nearly two-year-old such as SHARING) at 10.

"Go, go, GO, Mama!" But wait. . .where did that paci come from? (I swear he stashes them in little hiding places.)

No pics of playgroup because Mom ended up on a heating pad on the sofa of the host's house due to crippling sciatica pain. Good times. After playgroup, we stop off to see my OB, and as I'm hobbling to the door, Liam offers to "kiss Mama."

Lest you think he's too sweet though, I should also note that he tried to run away from me as we were getting off the elevator (I could barely walk much less run), and the elevator doors nearly shut on me before I could get to him!

Back at home, Liam procrastinates about going inside by picking flowers for me.

That's sweet, honey, but we still have to go inside.

No, really, we ARE going inside!

A short-lived fit -- he is distracted by me taking pictures of it.

Liam plays with puzzles while I make lunch.

Yummy pizza

Time for a nap

"Put me to bed, Mama. . ."

". . .I'm sooooo sleepy."

What a good nap! (Mom had time to catch some shut-eye, too.)

Bed head

We head to the bathroom to rectify his hair, but no trip to the bathroom would be complete without a little handwashing.

Liam "calls" Daddy to tell him about his day, but I want to get that phone away from him ASAP (he called 911 from the home phone earlier in the week which resulted in a VERY embarrassing visit from a police officer).

So I bribe him with promises of going outside and playing with Wiggle.


He's too busy asking for his trains to bother with a morning greeting.

Bed turned railway. . .

Once out of bed, it's time for a little "monica" jam session. He actually makes some pretty good music on this (thanks, Uncle Joe!).

My very particular son is pointing out the yogurt that is befouling his plate. "Wipe off, Mama. Wipe OFF!"

Liam helps with the grocery list. . .

putting soap in the dishwasher. . .

and turning the dishwasher on.

We have to hurry! We're supposed to be at playgroup (a.k.a. social hour for the under 3 set, involving new concepts for this nearly two-year-old such as SHARING) at 10.

"Go, go, GO, Mama!" But wait. . .where did that paci come from? (I swear he stashes them in little hiding places.)

No pics of playgroup because Mom ended up on a heating pad on the sofa of the host's house due to crippling sciatica pain. Good times. After playgroup, we stop off to see my OB, and as I'm hobbling to the door, Liam offers to "kiss Mama."

Lest you think he's too sweet though, I should also note that he tried to run away from me as we were getting off the elevator (I could barely walk much less run), and the elevator doors nearly shut on me before I could get to him!

Back at home, Liam procrastinates about going inside by picking flowers for me.

That's sweet, honey, but we still have to go inside.

No, really, we ARE going inside!

A short-lived fit -- he is distracted by me taking pictures of it.

Liam plays with puzzles while I make lunch.

Yummy pizza

Time for a nap

"Put me to bed, Mama. . ."

". . .I'm sooooo sleepy."

What a good nap! (Mom had time to catch some shut-eye, too.)

Bed head

We head to the bathroom to rectify his hair, but no trip to the bathroom would be complete without a little handwashing.

Liam "calls" Daddy to tell him about his day, but I want to get that phone away from him ASAP (he called 911 from the home phone earlier in the week which resulted in a VERY embarrassing visit from a police officer).

So I bribe him with promises of going outside and playing with Wiggle.

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