And now for the REST of the story.
Here is the conclusion of the day in pictures started below.
Once we finish wearing out the dog (well, as much as you can wear out a Weim), Liam and I head out with the intention of going to the library and the grocery store.
Stop One: Anderson County Library

Liam adores this enormous "bug" and makes a beeline for it every time we go to the lbirary. Today, they happened to have Goodnight Moon in the basket on the table, and he immediately flipped to a page he remembered and said, "Goo-nigh hooouuuuuse."

Liam also loves the fish sculptures which reside in various spots around downtown Anderson -- this one has its home in the library's children's courtyard.

Also in the courtyard is a "guy" that Liam talks to. . .

and tattles on for not wearing shoes.

Our time on the town is cut short due to more sciatic nerve pain, so we head home and walk in the door to discover "Dada!" cooking dinner!! (My hero!) Liam shows his dad what he scored at the library -- an Elmo Halloween video.

Liam is entranced by Elmo and the Count, so Mama and Daddy work on finishing up dinner.

But not for long! Even Elmo is no match for Daddy and the grill.

Picking tomatoes from their sadly overgrown garden plot -- Will is telling Liam, "DON'T eat that! We have to WASH it!" (hmmm. . .wonder why the boy is so particular?)

Will and I have yet to figure out why the food on our plates is ALWAYS more appetizing than the food on Liam's plate.

After dinner, the bedtime rituals begin. First there is the getting naked part. Tonight Liam decides that he'd like to do a little drawing in the nude.

Then there is the chasing and hiding part. (Wheeeeere's Liam????)

Then there is the rolling and tickling in John Patrick's room (yep, that big-bellied lady attempted to ROLL!).

And then it's time for a bath.

Liam is most cooperative during tooth-brushing.

He wants to do it "all by self."

Bedtime story

And off to dreamland he goes.

Once we finish wearing out the dog (well, as much as you can wear out a Weim), Liam and I head out with the intention of going to the library and the grocery store.
Stop One: Anderson County Library

Liam adores this enormous "bug" and makes a beeline for it every time we go to the lbirary. Today, they happened to have Goodnight Moon in the basket on the table, and he immediately flipped to a page he remembered and said, "Goo-nigh hooouuuuuse."

Liam also loves the fish sculptures which reside in various spots around downtown Anderson -- this one has its home in the library's children's courtyard.

Also in the courtyard is a "guy" that Liam talks to. . .

and tattles on for not wearing shoes.

Our time on the town is cut short due to more sciatic nerve pain, so we head home and walk in the door to discover "Dada!" cooking dinner!! (My hero!) Liam shows his dad what he scored at the library -- an Elmo Halloween video.

Liam is entranced by Elmo and the Count, so Mama and Daddy work on finishing up dinner.

But not for long! Even Elmo is no match for Daddy and the grill.

Picking tomatoes from their sadly overgrown garden plot -- Will is telling Liam, "DON'T eat that! We have to WASH it!" (hmmm. . .wonder why the boy is so particular?)

Will and I have yet to figure out why the food on our plates is ALWAYS more appetizing than the food on Liam's plate.

After dinner, the bedtime rituals begin. First there is the getting naked part. Tonight Liam decides that he'd like to do a little drawing in the nude.

Then there is the chasing and hiding part. (Wheeeeere's Liam????)

Then there is the rolling and tickling in John Patrick's room (yep, that big-bellied lady attempted to ROLL!).

And then it's time for a bath.

Liam is most cooperative during tooth-brushing.

He wants to do it "all by self."

Bedtime story

And off to dreamland he goes.

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